17/11/2022 / 18/11/2022 tarihleri arasında Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık Anabilim Dalı öğretim üyesi Prof Dr. Metin Pişkin tarafından projemiz kapsamında Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi konferans salonunda okulumuz öğretmenlerine (42 öğretmen ve idareci) yönelik akran zorbalığı, tanımı, türleri, nedenleri, önlenmesi ve baş etme yolları konularını i ...
Tümü ROMANIA MOBILTY - 2022 Description of the activity Under the leadership of Virginia BRAESCU, teachers will be given 5 days of scheduled Peer Mediation training. This activity includes the knowledge and skills necessary for teachers to manage the mediation process. PPT presentations, interactive studies, on-site visits and surveys constitute the training methodology. At the end of the training, teachers are expected to acquire the following gains; Understands important mediation concepts such as opened questıons, active listening, adaptability, building trust, empathy, and reflection, Provides coachıng tools and mediation support to other teachers, Provides non-threatening and constructive feedback, Empowering teachers to know how to relate to less communicative and insecure students, Empowering teachers to know how to motivate students to use their potential, Empowering teachers to know how to use a mediator approach in daily conversations with students and parents, Empowering teachers to know how to apply the GROW model to motivate and empower students, Empowering teachers to know how to learn, teach and to manage mediation sessions in pairs and threes, Empowering teachers to know how to provide the development of active listening skills and their application in the classroom, It develops key competences and skills such as the learning-teaching methodology and pedagogical approaches of peer mediation to assist schools and organizations dealing with conflıct management and peer problems. Peer Mediation training will be included in the curriculum of our school within the scope of the social activity course. Partner schools will be added to their programs as a 2-hour course. For this, the ability of other teachers to learn and teach the mediation method should be increased. For this purpose 1.On the return of LTT, teachers will be given the same training with the same content locally by the teachers participating in the LTT activity. Thus, it will facilitate its integration into the in-school education program. The training to be carried out during the LTT activity will be videotaped and uploaded as e-learning lessons to the twinspace section of our project, which is carried out simultaneously in etwinning. By ensuring that these videos are watched by other teachers in partner schools, they will be provided with the same level of education. It is also aimed to reach more schools by monitoring this project by teachers who are outside of their physical mobility and who are partners of our ewinning project. How did the participation in this activity benefit the involved participants? It develops key competences and skills such as the learning-teaching methodology and pedagogical approaches of peer mediation to assist schools and organizations dealing with conflıct management and peer problems. Peer Mediation training will be included in the curriculum of our school within the scope of the social activity course. Partner schools will be added to their programs as a 2-hour course. For this, the ability of other teachers to learn and teach the mediation method should be increased. For this purpose 1.On the return of LTT, teachers will be given the same training with the same content locally by the teachers participating in the LTT activity. Thus, it will facilitate its integration into the in-school education program. The training to be carried out during the LTT activity will be videotaped and uploaded as e-learning lessons to the twinspace section of our project, which is carried out simultaneously in etwinning. By ensuring that these videos are watched by other teachers in partner schools, they will be provided with the same level of education. It is also aimed to reach more schools by monitoring this project by teachers who are outside of their physical mobility and who are partners of our ewinning project. |
TümüProjemizin sonuçlarını yayınlayacağımız E-Kitabının hazırlıklarına başladık. ...
Tümüİngilizce Kurslarımız Başladı… Okulumuzun Erasmus+ ve Erasmus akreditasyon projelerin de yer alacak olan 14 öğretmen ve 90 öğrencimizin katıldığı Seviye belirleme sınavı sonrasında belirlenen gruplar derslerine başladılar. Okulumuzun Erasmus+ Projelerinde yer alacak öğretmen ve öğrencilerimizin İngilizce yeterliliklerinin artırılması ve yurtdışında katılacakları proje faaliyetlerinden en üst düzeyde verim alınabilmesinin sağlanması amacıyla ...
TümüOkulumuzda zorbalığa çözüm olarak akran arabuluculuğu kavramını kavramış ve etkin bir şekilde uygulayabilecek lider öğrenciler ve bu süreci yönetebilecek öğretmenler yetiştirerek, uzun vadede Akran Arabuluculuk Programı, çatışmaların önlenmesi, en aza indirilmesi, öğrencilerin akademik başarılarının ve okulların eğitim kalitesinin artırılmasında ve ...
TümüVADEMECUM DEL PARTECIPANTE le 7 regole+1 per ottenere il meglio (ATTENDEE’S VADEMECUM) ...
TümüArabulucu-Lider Öğrencilerimiz Öğreniyor... Projemizde yer alan öğrencilerimiz, PDR uzmanımız Mahmut YILMAZ eşliğinde Akran Arabuluculuğu Bilgilendirme seminerinde... ...
Tümü“Erasmus Days” are celebrated all over Europe on 15th, 16th and 17th October 2020. Vocational High school of Transport and Agrarian Technologies “N. Y. Vaptzarov”, Haskovo also celebrated the “Erasmus Days” at school. ...
TümüAv.Ceren Kalay Eken KİMDİR? 1982 yılında Ordu’da doğan Ceren KALAY EKEN ilk, orta ve lise öğrenimini Muğla’da tamamlamıştır. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakultesinden 2005 yilinda mezun oldu. Avukatlik stajini Ankara Barosu´nda tamamlayarak 2006 yilindan itibaren Ankara Barosuna bağlı olarak avukatlik yapmaktadir. Daha önce şirket danışmanlı ...
Tümü// Prof. Dr. Abbas TÜRNÜKLÜ KİMDİR? Anlaşmazlık çözümü, gruplar arası anlaşmazlık, gruplar arası temas, kişiler arası müzakere ve arabuluculuk konusunda eserleri olan Abbas Türnüklü, Ege Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikoloji Bölümünde lisans ve yüks ...
TümüÖğretmenlerimiz AKRAN ARABULUCULUĞU EĞİTİCİ EĞİTİMİ aldı. TÜRK PDR DERNEĞİ Çatısı altında Türkiye Arabuluculuk Derneği (AKRANDER) Moderatörlüğün de Prof. Dr. Sayın Abbas TÜRNÜKLÜ tarafından verilen, Ülkemizin çeşitli bölgelerindeki okullarda g&ou ...