In the long term, the Peer Mediation Program is an international tool for preventing and minimizing conflicts, increasing the academic success of students and the quality of education in schools, and thus preventing school dropouts, by educating leading students who can comprehend and effectively implement the concept of peer mediation as a solution to bullying in our school, and teachers who can manage this process. In our project, which we aim to have an impact on, 9-10 and 11 "Who are your 3 most trusted friends in your class?" As a result of the Sociometry study/test named ´´, 65 students from these classes, Prof. Dr. Abbas TÜRNÜKLÜ, AKRANDER, Adv. Under the leadership of Necdet GÖĐÜSDERE and our Psychological Counselor Mahmut YILMAZ, 120-hour Mediation Trainings will take place, which will include theoretical and practical studies.