5th LTT Mobility - Ankara - Turkey - 2023

Peace in Class Peace in School
5th LTT Mobility - Ankara - Turkey - 2023

Description of the activity

The 5th and last transnational mobility of our project is a 5-day evaluation activity led by our school, where the participants are students and teachers from the schools of 4 partner countries and teachers and students of our school, where all the achievements of the mediator leader students trained during the project are applied holistically, and various methods such as general presentations, free and facilitated discussions, peer bullying case studies, drama skits performed by students, filling out the research questionnaire on peer bullying in schools, and feedback studies are used as methodology. In this activity, Prof. Dr. Metin Piţkin provided training on combating violence, bullying, and cyberbullying and the importance of emotional intelligence in conflict management, alternative conflict resolution methods, peer teaching, and the implementation of peer mediation in the school environment. Lawyer Ceren KALAY EKEN gave a seminar on Alternative Configuration Resolution and Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods in Turkey, and Mr. Göktan KOÇTANYILDIRIM gave a seminar on UNICEF´s work on 3PS (Provision-Protection-Participation). The mediator leader students, who were trained during the project, exhibited the scenario works they prepared on peer bullying cases and showed all the achievements they have gained so far. In addition to these activities, cultural and artistic activities were organized at school, and study visits and practical demonstrative workshops were organized outside the school in Ankara and Cappadocia region. The teachers of the partner schools in the project have completed the evaluation of the Peer Mediation implementation module to be implemented in each school, dissemination activities, and preparation of the final report. They planned the dissemination, sharing of resources and best practices, the closing event of the project, and the presentation of the final results at the beginning of the new academic year in September 2023. Together with our partners, a common training and action module for peer conflict

Peace in Class Peace in School
The 5th Transnational Mobility in Turkey 2023