What is Peer Mediation? Seminar
Prof. Dr. Abbas TÜRNÜKLÜ
Having works on conflict resolution, intergroup conflict, intergroup contact, interpersonal negotiation and mediation, Abbas Türnüklü completed his undergraduate and graduate studies at Ege University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Psychology, and his doctorate at Leicester University in England. In 1999, Dokuz Eylul University in Turkey has begun turning to academic studies. He currently continues his academic studies at Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Psychology.
Intergroup relations, intergroup contact, intergroup disputes, interpersonal conflict resolution, negotiation, mediation, peer mediation, peace education, nonviolence education and qualitative research methods can be considered as research areas. He has published many research articles on these fields in national and international journals. He is married, and has one child.
What is Peer Mediation?
Various studies reveal that one of the main causes of violence and conflict in schools is lack of communication.Peer mediation is defined as a communication process in which parties work together to solve a problem with the help of an impartial third party. It is based on resolving conflicts between students at school through peers who are also selected among students. Mediation is a process carried out according to the voluntary principle.
Students who receive conflict resolution, communication skills and mediation training participate in activities that will help students who are in the age group close to them to solve their problems. A trained mediator brings together the parties experiencing conflict. Thus, both parties have the opportunity to meet face to face and to sit down and talk to each other without interrupting their conversations. The peer mediator does not decide who is right and who is wrong. On the contrary, students who experience conflict learn to live together and get along by overcoming the existing problem.
The most important message of the peer mediation program; It is that the school is a place where differences can be discussed and one does not need to fight to get his rights. Peer mediation is an effective practice for resolving violent incidents in our schools and for a communication-based conflict resolution. Peer mediators appointed by the school or by their own choices to help students with problems help resolve the conflict without escalating into violence.
The mediation process, which allows the individual to express himself / herself, strengthens the self-concept of young people and develops their own self-control mechanisms. Peer mediation, which reinforces the sense of responsibility, develops a peaceful school culture based on dialogue by eliminating violent reactions that interrupt the communication process. Peer mediation is a basic preventive program in the development of a peaceful school culture. 11/02/2021