
Peace in Class Peace in School

P1 - Other Project Events 09/2020

Project managers of partner schools will come together and videotape via Skype a meeting will be held as a teleconference, in which the project management and the distribution of duties and responsibilities will be made for sustainability.

After the acceptance of the project, an informative meeting within each school will convey detailed information about the project to school teachers.

In this meeting, LTT activities and work schedule and project flow will be shared.

By preparing a news with general information about the project, all partner schools will be shared on the pages. In addition, it will be shared with local newspapers and announced to the public.

P2 - Other Project Events  10/2020

Students will be informed about the participant selection process at another meeting where they will be informed.

After the determination of the participants, a meeting will be held with the participants to form teams and to clarify the distribution of tasks.

Since the preparation of the assessment tools is under the responsibility of Romania and Bulgaria, the content of the pre-test to be applied to the participants after the selection of teachers and students will be prepared by these partners and will be applied to measure the effectiveness of the project.

A Learning Agreement will be signed with the participants.

A project board will be prepared in each school.

Transactions such as travel, accommodation and passport will be initiated for the first LTT activity.

The host institution will prepare an information kit containing information such as accommodation, meals, important phones, institutions and organizations, city plan and information, and will convey it to all partners.

Each school will hold a Preparatory meeting (cultural and conceptual preparation) with its participants.

C1 - Short-term joint staff training activities 11/ 2020 Teachers Learning                               

P3 - Other Project Events 11/2020

All partners will announce the Logo Competition and the criteria to the students through the Erasmus + school board and school web pages. The logos determined by the schools will be opened to the voting of the project teams of the schools and the logo with the highest number of votes will be chosen as the logo of the project and will be used in places such as posters, canvases, websites and presentations related to the project.

For a healthy Dissemination Strategy, each partner will establish a Project Dissemination Team and ensure that the presentations, seminars and news to be held during the project are timely It will be responsible for the planning of works such as publication.

The first LTT mobility (C1) of the project will be carried out.

In order to increase the visibility of the project, it will be provided to be featured in the local / national media during LTT.

Each partner school will program and share with other partners the training videos performed and recorded in the first LTT for the training of other teachers who do not participate in the mobility.

P6 - Other Project Events  12/2020

Each school will update its project board according to the activities.Studies by Poland to project this project on the eTwinning portal will be started. After this mobility information on the etwinning - twinspace platform our Polish partner will be updated by. For the second LTT activity, transactions such as travel, accommodation, passport, etc. will be initiated.The host instutition will prepare an information kit and convey it to all partners.Each school will hold a Preparatory meeting (cultural and conceptual preparation) with its participants.

P5 - Other Project Events  12/2020

Italy, the project´s  social networks (twitter - instagram - facebook) to create pages, Romania blog site (I www.blogsport.co) will do the design, the design of the Polish website, Turkey contents of the web page (www.bypeermediation.org)  and will form the padlet page and all participants will introduce their project partners on padlet.com.

The definition of conflict and mediation, mediation steps, characteristics of a good mediator / peer mediator, preconditions for peer mediation and examples of activities for students, role plays etc. The first LTT return works will be started for the e-book that contains.

Banners and canvases with the project logo,  swallowtail flags and roll-ups will be made and hung inside and outside the school and used in project dissemination meetings.

P4 - Other Project Events  12/2020

On the LTT activity return, an evaluation meeting will be held with each partner attending all participating teachers. In this meeting, the activities carried out in the first LTT will be evaluated with their disruptive and positive aspects and the evaluation reports of all partners will be made into a single report by the coordinator and shared with the partners.

This report will contribute to better quality planning and implementation of future LTTs.

Participating students will write articles about their experiences and will be uploaded to the blog page by Romania.  

Each school will start the E-learning process in itself. In this context, each school will allow teachers to watch the training videos recorded in the first LTT to be used in the education of other teachers who do not participate in the mobility, and then interactive workshops will be started. (Training time will progress in Flipped Classroom logic.)

C2 - Short-term changes of student groups 01-2021 Definition of Mediation - Understanding Interpersonal Disputes

P7 - Other Project Events  01/2021

Project 2. LTT mobility (C2) will be performed.

To increase the visibility of the project and to support dissemination activities, it will be ensured that it is included in the local and / or national media during LTT.

Each partner school will program and share with other partners the training videos performed and recorded in the first LTT for the training of other teachers who do not participate in the mobility.

All partners will give information seminars about Peer Mediation and the program to be implemented for parents in their schools.

In addition, our social media accounts will be updated after mobility by Italy and Turkey our web page.

Within the scope of e-learning, interactive workshops for the training of teachers who do not participate in the project in partner schools but will be trained as Mediator Trainers will continue.

P8 - Other Project Events  02/2021

LTT activity return, each partner will hold an assessment meeting in which all participating teachers and students will attend. In this meeting, the activities carried out in the second LTT will be evaluated and the evaluation reports of the partners will be made into a single report by the coordinator and shared with the partners. This report will contribute to the higher quality of the next LTTs. Participants will prepare papers describing their experiences and will be uploaded to the blog page.

Within the scope of the e-learning process, each school produces the training videos recorded in the second LTT. It will enable students to watch for use in the education of other students who do not participate in the mobility and then interactive workshops will be started.The training process will follow the Flipped Classroom logic.)

Each school will update its project board according to the activities.

Information on this post-Mobility twinspace platform is provided by our Polish partner will be updated.

P9 - Other Project Events  03/2021

Within the scope of e-learning; Each school will continue its workshops for the education of other students who do not participate in the mobility related to the educational activity carried out and registered in the second LTT.

The first 6-month general evaluation meeting to be attended by the coordinators of partner schools will be held by video teleconference over Skype. The process of this meeting will be evaluated and plans will be made to complete the identified deficiencies and to strengthen them.

3. Travel planning will be initiated for LTT activity.

In order to raise awareness about peer bullying, simulation workshops for parents will be held in all partner schools.

P10 - Other Project Events  04/2021

Each school will hold interactive workshops with leading students, who have been trained in it, to analyze events using simulation method.

The simulation texts prepared by each partner will be uploaded to the web page so that they can be used by those concerned.

Monitoring test / questionnaire, which will be prepared and carried out online by Romania and Bulgaria, will be applied. Participating teachers and students in partner schools will participate in this online survey and evaluate the process until now.

Each school will continue its interactive workshops with leading students, who have been trained in it, to analyze the events with the simulation method.

P11 - Other Project Events 05/2021

For the second LTT activity, transactions such as travel, accommodation, passport, etc. will be initiated.

The host institution will prepare an information kit and convey it to all partners.

Each school will hold a Preparatory meeting (cultural and conceptual preparation) with its participants.

C3 - Short-term changes of student groups 05/2021 Communication and Anger Management Skills & ´´ Unified Schools Project

P12 - Other Project Events  06/2021

3 of the project LTT mobility (C3) will be performed.

To increase the visibility of the project and to support the dissemination activities, it will be included in the local and national media.

Each school will update its project board according to the activities.

In addition, our post-mobility twinspace, social media accounts and our web page will be updated.

LTT activity return, each partner will hold an assessment meeting in which all participating teachers and students will attend.

In this meeting, the activities carried out in the first LTT will be evaluated with their disruptive and positive aspects and the evaluation reports of all partners will be made into a single report by the coordinator and shared with the partners. This report will contribute to better quality planning and implementation of future LTTs.

Project managers of partner schools will come together and videotape via Skype a meeting will be held as a teleconference, in which the project management and the distribution of duties and responsibilities will be made for sustainability.

After the acceptance of the project, an informative meeting within each school will convey detailed information about the project to school teachers.

In this meeting, LTT activities and work schedule and project flow will be shared.

By preparing a news with general information about the project, all partner schools will be shared on the pages. In addition, it will be shared with local newspapers and announced to the public.

P13 - Other Project Events 07/2021

Participating students will write articles about their experiences and will be uploaded to the blog page by Romania. Project interim report will be prepared.

P14 - Other Project Events 08-2021

3. Travel planning will be initiated for LTT activity.

P15 - Other Project Events 09-2021

The meeting, in which the coordinators of the partner schools will participate and evaluate the last year, will be held by teleconference over Skype. Completion and reporting of the deficiencies to be determined by the evaluation of the one-year process in this meeting will be made. New term studies will be reviewed again.

Within the scope of e-learning, students will be able to watch the educational videos recorded at the third LTT within each school to use in the education of other students who do not participate in the mobility, and then interactive workshops will be started. The training process will follow the Flipped Classroom logic.) (Flipped Classroom Method; Flipped Classroom Application is an approach that starts with presenting the course content to the student online, usually through the learning management system before coming to the classroom. (Flipped classroom application is a system that increases student-educator communication and creates instant feedback opportunities.)

P16 - Other Project Events 10-2021

Each school will hold interactive workshops with leading students, who have been trained in it, to analyze events using simulation method.
The simulation texts prepared by each partner will be uploaded to the web page so that they can be used by those concerned.For the second LTT activity, transactions such as travel, accommodation, passport, etc. will be initiated. The host institution will prepare an information kit and convey it to all partners. Each school will hold a Preparatory meeting (cultural and conceptual preparation) with its participants.

C4 - Short-term changes of student groups 11-2021

Interpersonal Conflict Resolution Skills and Good Practices

P17 - Other Project Events 11-2021

4th of the project LTT mobility (C4) will be carried out. To increase the visibility of the project and to support the dissemination activities, it will be included in the local and national media. E-book preparations will continue. Each school will update its project board according to the activities. In addition, our social media accounts will be updated after mobility by Italy and Turkey our web page. After each mobility, the information on the etwinning - twinspace platform will be updated by our Polish partner.

P18 - Other Project Events 12-2021

LTT activity return, each partner will hold an assessment meeting in which all participating teachers and students will attend. In this meeting, the activities carried out in the first LTT will be evaluated with their disruptive and positive aspects and the evaluation reports of all partners will be made into a single report by the coordinator and shared with the partners. This report will contribute to better quality planning and implementation of future LTTs.

Participating students will write articles about their experiences and will be uploaded to the blog page by Romania.           

Within the scope of e-learning, studies of solving real events will be started under the supervision of the mediator coordinator teachers of the leader students of each school. Preparatory work for the e-book, which will be used as a project output, will continue. Within the scope of e-learning, they will continue their work to resolve real events under the supervision of the mediator coordinator teachers of the leader students of each school. 5. 3. Travel planning will be initiated for LTT activity.

P19 - Other Project Events 01-2022

Within the scope of e-learning, they will continue their work to resolve real events under the supervision of the mediator coordinator teachers of the leader students of each school.

An online meeting will be held in order to share and evaluate the studies on the E-BOOK, which will be used as the project output.

P20 - Other Project Events 02-2022

Within the scope of E-Learning, leader students who have received Mediation training at partner schools will start their own work on real-life analysis. An online meeting will be held in order to share and evaluate the studies on the E-BOOK, which will be used as the project output.

P21 - Other Project Events 03-2022

Within the scope of E-Learning, leader students who have received Mediation training in partner schools will continue to work on solving real events on their own. 5.For the second LTT activity, transactions such as travel, accommodation, passport, etc. will be initiated. The host institution will prepare an information kit and convey it to all partners. Each school will hold a Preparatory meeting (cultural and conceptual preparation) with its participants.

P22 - Other Project Events 04-2022

5th of the project LTT mobility (C5) will be performed. To increase the visibility of the project and to support the dissemination activities, it will be included in the local and national media. 5.studies conducted during LTT mobility after our webpage will be updated by our social media accounts by Italy and Turkey.

C5 - Short-term changes of student groups 04-2022

Holistic Practices and Evaluation in the Peer Mediation Program

P23 - Other Project Events 05-2022

LTT activity return, each partner will hold an assessment meeting in which all participating teachers and students will attend. In this meeting, the activities carried out in the first LTT will be evaluated with their disruptive and positive aspects and the evaluation reports of all partners will be made into a single report by the coordinator and shared with the partners.

Participating students will write articles about their experiences and will be uploaded to the blog page by Romania.        Within the scope of E-Learning, leader students who have received Mediation training in partner schools will continue to work on solving real events on their own. Each school will update its project board according to the activities. After each mobility, the information on the etwinning - twinspace platform will be updated by our Polish partner. E-book preparations will continue.

P24 - Other Project Events 06-2022

In order to measure the effectiveness of the project, a post-test will be applied to all teachers and students who participated in LTTs and local activities, and to other teachers and students involved in the e-learning and workshop process in schools. The e-book will be completed. Each partner school will organize a general evaluation meeting, where the 2-year process will be discussed with all participants. At this meeting, the e-book will be reviewed and it will clarify the distribution of tasks for the dissemination seminar to be held in September. After the meeting, the book will be finalized by receiving feedback from each partner country, especially about the e-book.

P25 - Other Project Events 07-2022

The e-book will be uploaded to the twinspace and web page.

P26 - Other Project Events 08-2022

Each partner will print 500 e-books to be distributed at the seminar.

P27 - Other Project Events 09-2022  

A seminar will be organized in which the administrators, teachers and students who will be invited from the surrounding schools will participate and the project outputs will be shared. The official closing meeting of the project will be held over Skype with the participation of the coordinators of the partner schools. In this meeting, the preparatory work and processes of the final report will be planned and written.