Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
With local and transnational project activities to be carried out during the project process; Students;
• With peer mediation training and workshops, students´ ability to practice mediation will develop.
• They will learn the concept of Peer Mediation, the rules, and roles of the mediation process, its benefits, the causes of disagreements, and solutions.
• Problem identification, active listening, communication, leadership, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills will improve verbal and non-verbal communication and speaking skills with the parties,
• Sharing their feelings, understanding other students, empathy, and meeting their needs with positive methods
• Anger control and management skills will improve
• Alternative dispute resolution, negotiation skills, mediation skills will improve
• Self-control, self-management, self-esteem, and self-confidence will improve
• Basic skills and competences of young people, including disadvantaged youth, will increase
• No matter how different their backgrounds and social and family culture are, all students will be made more ready for life by making use of conflict resolution techniques.
• Teachers will learn the knowledge, methods, and methods of peer mediation and develop basic competencies and skills such as learning-teaching methodology and pedagogical approaches,
• The time that teachers and students spend on learning will increase.
• Peer mediation will positively affect the school climate as it will lead to more positive and constructive relations between student-student and student-teacher.
• The pressure of school discipline problems on teachers and school administrators will decrease and the time devoted to discipline problems will decrease
• Access to disadvantaged students with fewer opportunities will be easier
- With constructive conflict resolution, peer conflicts will be reduced by 60-80%
• With the decrease in conflicts, the participation and learning performance of these students will increase and their academic success will increase.
• Constructive conflict resolution methods will be used in school, home, and social life.
• Peer mediation will reduce the authoritarian, punitive disciplinary approach based on power and increase the restorative.
In addition to this, academic achievement will increase and early school dropouts will decrease with the increase in the quality time students spend at school and the change in their attitudes towards the lessons.Thus, it is expected that the number of students who will continue higher education with the increase of academic success will increase in the long term.