Our Project Team
Our Project Team consists of volunteer teachers working in our school. Sinan Aydın YANIK (School Principal), Bülent HACOĞULLARI (Physical Education), M.Yavuz UZUNKAYA (English), Muammer PAT and Mehmet Şah KILIÇASLAN (Mathematics), who will take part in our project, have the experience of writing, executing and finalizing the ERASMUS + project, and has the dissemination experience, They have had the opportunity to introduce their school in the international arena, have laid the groundwork for new collaborations, writing new projects and / or working with international partners by developing their bilateral dialogues, and have been effective in increasing the institutional capacity of our school. Mahmut YILMAZ (Psychological Consultant), Nursel HÜYÜK (Literature), Çiğdem Işıl FIRAT (Music) from our team, although they will take part in ERASMUS + projects for the first time, they have a lot of experience and experience in their fields.
Sinan Aydın YANIK- Legal Representative; He is a very experienced manager in Realization and Execution of ERASMUS + projects. He will contribute to our project as the person responsible for his evaluations.
Bülent HACOGULLARI - Project Coordinator; He is the organizer and manager of the projects carried out in our school since 2012. He is a highly experienced coordinator in Erasmus + Program projects in the education and training sector. He is also the organizer and coordinator of the Peer Coaching project that we will implement especially for our teachers. He will contribute to our project as an executive / coordinator and the person responsible for its evaluations.
Mahmut YILMAZ- Psychological Counselor; The Trainer will contribute to our project as the person responsible for implementation and evaluation.
Mustafa Yavuz UZUNKAYA - Beneficiary; He will contribute to our project as the person responsible for English correspondence, translation, presentations and implementation.
Muammer PAT - Beneficiary; He will contribute to our project as the person responsible for the organization and implementation.
Nursel HÜYÜK - Beneficiary; She will contribute to our project as the person responsible for correspondence in mother tongue, translation, presentations and application.
Mehmet Şah Kılıçaslan - Beneficiary; He will contribute to our project as the person responsible for health affairs, social media, web page management and implementation.
Çiğdem Işıl FIRAT - Beneficiary; She will contribute to our project as the person responsible for Music presentations, health affairs, social media management and implementation.